Tuesday, September 3, 2013

7 Android advantages when compared to the iPhone

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android vs iphoneInevitably, Android and iPhone is the most popular smart phone platform today . Other mobile platforms , such as Windows Phone and BlackBerry , is still quite far behind to simply approach the number two market share .
Of course , both Android and iPhone , has advantages and disadvantages of each . However , there are some features that Android is still not in the iPhone .
What is it ? Here are 7 exclusive features that exist only in Android , as quoted by Business Insider .
1 . The larger screen
One of the things that made the difference between Android and the iPhone are the ones who developed the device . Only Apple is developing its own iPhone , while Android seems like the project " mob " all the vendors .
It would be profitable for the design of the Android device . With so many vendors who develop Android -based devices , will be the more Android phone models are born .
These devices were finally comes in a variety of screen sizes . Android based phones have varied screen sizes , from 3 inches to 7 inches . Most of the Android devices with landscape screens already released more than 4 inches .

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Samsung Ativ Q, Hybrid Ultrabook with Dual OS

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Maybe some people do not understand about the latest samsung tablet hybrid was named the Samsung Ativ Q which is a combination Ultrabook and tablet concept . One of the advantages of belonging samsung notebook is in tablet which is carrying two operating systems , Windows 8 and Android . So it is very interesting to us examine more deeply about what kind of specs and features offered by this latest samsung notebook . Below is his review .

Samsung Ativ Q is a hybrid ultrabook that in this case is a notebook that brings the two operating systems at the same time the Windows OS as well as Android , which certainly is supported also by the specifications and features excellent support . Ativ Q has a slim body 13.9 mm with a weight of 1.29 kg , including the keyboard . It's much thinner and lighter than the body Ativ Smart PC Pro reaches 22mm thick and weighs 1.7 kg .
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