Currently the phone is no longer a rare commodity . Anyone can have a cell phone with a variety of makes and models are already available . There are phones that use the qwerty keypad buttons , there is a system that uses a touch screen , or better known as Touchscreen .
The touchscreen is an input device that works on a computer with a touch screen display with a finger or digital pen . When the touch screen has been widely used by manufacturing industries that require high degree of accuracy , sensitivity and high duration . Devices that use touch-screen systems are now widely found in portable computers , tablets , smartphones such as the iPhone , Android and Blackberry .
Weakness and Excess Usage Touchscreen
As a product , of touchscreen also has some drawbacks and advantages . Weaknesses that belongs on the touchscreen display system is a system error sometimes occurs because the software was not able to translate what the user is fed into the screen as well as a result of typing too fast . In addition to the products that use the touchscreen also has a more expensive price . In fact this device is also very sensitive and require special care . The advantages of this technology that belongs to the users no longer need to use complicated keypad buttons . Because this system has been specifically designed to provide the ease and speed of access to users . More optimal in accessing the main menu so very helpful in doing a job .
How to Take Care and Cleaning Screen Touchscreen
As technology advanced , the touchscreen is also a touch screen phone that requires extra attention from their owners . The screen on the touchscreen is the most vulnerable and very sensitive , so it is feared will be easily damaged if not treated carefully .
Use Screen Protector
On the touchscreen technology , the screen is the heart of the phone . Therefore, with the use of screen protectors protect the screen or screen protector . Use a screen protector that is compatible with your phone .
Do not Pressing Screen Mobile too hard
The screen uses touchscreen technology is very sensitive to a touch . Without pressing too hard even touch the phone was able to detect it . For a touch too hard can lead to easily broken touchscreen
Do not Put Touchscreen Phones in Pockets Pocket
Put the phone in a pocket pouch especially tight pants is not recommended , because the screen will feel depressed and will cause damage very vulnerable .
Clean Screen
Do not clean the touchscreen display of materials using tissue paper instead of cleaning because even the act of leaving the particles as well as dust and dirt can cause scratches on the screen . Screens should be cleaned using a soft cotton cloth or special glasses .
Those are some tips on caring for and maintaining the touchscreen display . May be useful for all of us .