As someone who often make good jailbreak on iOS devices themselves or someone else, I often receive questions about the usefulness jailbreak from people who are planning a jailbreak. I feel the most important uses of the jailbreak is, to maximize the ability of the restrictions Apple's iOS devices.
Jailbreak process is actually just adding an application called Cydia. Through this Cydia, maximizing the iOS device you can do with installing themes, tweaks, or applications that have unique functions.
What are the advantages of jailbreak?
Jailbreak can add functionality by utilizing various tweaks available on Cydia. For example, the old IOS devices often get the problem on the Home button. However, the damage can be prevented by using Zephyr tweak that can help reduce the intensity we use the Home button.
IOS device users typically want his IOS device may appear different from the others. In Cydia there are also a lot of interesting themes to be paired on the IOS device. MakeMac also never talk about interesting themes that are very desirable named Ayecon.
Is it a paid jailbreak?
For you who still lay in using the iOS device and do not want to take risks, many mobile stores that provide services jailbreak. The prices given were varied starting from 100rb-200rb.
But if you are reluctant to spend that much money and take risks, then MakeMac jailbreak tutorial already provides some hope that we can facilitate you in the jailbreak, as well as deal with problems that will arise in the future. Examples are problems experienced Keys.plist Missing on 6.0.1 jailbreak.
Is it dangerous to jailbreak?
I can not state whether the jailbreak on the iOS device it is dangerous or not. To be sure, jailbreak it at risk.
Because the developers do not follow the guidelines Cydia Memory and CPU usage is provided by Apple, the device is already jailbreak iOS will tend to have some problems such as the level of stability, increased battery consumption, slower performance, or reboot for no apparent reason.The emergence of these problems vary, depending on the tweaks and apps that you installed.
Is the jailbreak is a must?
If you are still using an iPhone 1st Gen or commonly referred to as the iPhone 2G, the jailbreak is a must. Because, one of the main functions of the jailbreak when it is a process Unlock, and all iPhone 2G is SU. So, in order to read a local SIM card Unlock process is required. Then in July 2008 appears the iPhone 3G sold in almost all over the world, and this is the forerunner to the iPhone SU and FU appears.
Jailbreak process is no longer a necessity, because with the iPhone FU, everyone can freely use any SIM card without requiring Unlock process. But the process is still provided by Cydia, since at that time many people prefer to use the iPhone SU, because the price at the time it was much cheaper than the iPhone FU.
Is it legal to jailbreak?
It is already a long discussion in several countries, in connection with the absence of the injured party after doing the jailbreak process. But on the other hand, you will install an application that basically does not get an endorsement by Apple.
After a discussion that is long enough, eventually the Digital Millennium Copyright Act states that the jailbreak is perfectly legal in the United States, although Apple also gave a statement that the entire device is already jailbreak iOS will lose warranty.
Untethered Jailbreak vs. Tethered Jailbreak?
Two of the above statement first appeared in 2010, where at that time the Dev-Team Blog launch redsn0w application that can be used to perform the jailbreak on iOS 4.2.1. For some people who do not know what it is Tethered Jailbreak and Untethered Jailbreak, a brief explanation is as follows:
Tethered jailbreak Jailbreak is a process which at every turn on the iOS device, requiring assistance from a Mac / PC which is mounted inside redsn0w application. This type of jailbreak is less desirable, because according to some people a bit of a hassle.
Untethered jailbreak Jailbreak is a process that does not require any assistance in reviving the iOS device. This type of jailbreak is the most desirable, and the most I recommend.
So, which one will win games Untethered Jailbreak vs. Tethered Jailbreak? Of course the answer is Untethered jailbreak.
Final Words
The decision to jailbreak or not is entirely in your hands as owners of iOS devices. I hope this article can help you in deciding whether you want to maximize your iOS device, or simply enjoy what is provided by Apple. If there are other questions about the jailbreak, please leave in the comments field.