When this comes back to a feature version of the Android 5.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS). This becomes a lollipop Android operating system will be available in a smartphone, tablet and Android-based smartwatch by bringing a new feature.
1. Material Design
Android 5.0 comes with a carrying lollipops sectors that use design interface material. Design is very well owned useable for the user in navigating the Android Lollipop.
2. Notification
Ansdroid Lolipop also comes with a notification that can be accessed via the lockscreen page.
3. Save the battery
Android Lollipop is also equipped with a battery saving feature which is claimed to extend battery power related how long the estimated time of battery life remaining, and how long it takes.
4. Device sharing
Lolipop Android device also comes with a display screen that presents sharing with other devices that are both running on the Android platform.
5. Security
One of the latest features in Android this lollipop existence by default encrypted security system that runs on top of SELinux system and security features of Android Smart Lock.
Now that he's five new features in Android 5.0 lollipops.
source from siponsel.com